Wednesday 31 October 2012

Just a Story 'Bout My Life

Hello my fantabulous readers it has so so so soooo long since I didn't update my blog..So i'm going to tell all of you about what's going on in my life right now..Sooooo let's see the subjects:-

School: I just finished my end of year test at school and it was really really hard but so far i got some ok grades:-


The other grades haven't come out yet but i'm so so scared because if i got changed to another class,well let's just say no more facebook EVER and the would be really bad..I really hope that I got number 10 or 9 or 8 or 7 or 6 or 5 or 4 cause mummy said if i get one of those numbers I can get a PHONE! Orait on to da next subject..

Friends: I actually don't like most of my friends because some of them are just really        

OK! the things that I wrote just popped out of my head so if it doesn't make sense you my reasons..


By: Kyra Rahiman
Mood: Really bored


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